achieving a competitive price level. The first of the new series to reach Australia is model 104, pictured on the right. Four of them were flown in especially for the Raymond Cooke lectures in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Model 104 has overall dimensions 630 x 330 x 260 mm, or roughly 24 x 12 x 10 inches. As such, it can be used as a

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS OF SPECIAL PROVISIONS Note: This Table of Contents has been prepared for the convenience of those using this contract with the sole express pur
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And critics say the proposed change could lead to higher levels of exposure for workers at nuclear installations and oil and gas drilling sites, medical workers doing X rays and CT scans, people living next to Superfund sites and any members of the public who one day might “nd themselves exposed to a radiation release.
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Working with only one transmitter, the station alternated radio broadcasts with silent television images of the station's call sign, faces in motion, and wind up toys in motion.[48][49] Speaking later that month, Gernsback downplayed the broadcasts, intended for amateur experimenters.

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