News for May 2013 ConsumerAffairs
But the Volt's price tag means it will take quite a few miles before the gas savings pay for themselves, perhaps one reason the motoring public has been slow to embrace the car.

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Full Show: Bloomberg Businessweek (06/23) Bloomberg
Bloomberg Television takes you behind the scenes of our award winning magazine "Bloomberg Businessweek." Hosts Carol Massar and Oliver Renick talk with the writers who break news on a weekly basis.
Hydrogen Now! News
The reason is that natural gas is the primary driver of the cost of electricity in Texas. Reliant Energy's current fuel factor, which was set in December, is based on a natural gas price of $ per MMBtu. The price of gas in the company's current fuel filing is $ per MMBtu. Reliant Energy

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brain to evolve to greater complexity and intelligence. The cynical among us might then proclaim, "OK then, Climate Change is a good thing!" To our rescue from Climate Change nevertheless is the Green New Deal — an economic stimulus package proposed by a politically left leaning contingent that has been chastised by the right leaners for being naive and impractical, if not downright silly.

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