Mexico Unleashes Gas Stations From Pemex WSJ
Mexico Unleashes Gas Stations From Pemex. MEXICO CITY—For the past eight decades, Mexican drivers have had only one choice of filling stations: state oil firm Petróleos Mexicanos. But that is going to change in coming months as the country’s first privately branded gasoline stations open for business. Starting Friday,

UPDATE 1 Mexico's Pemex opens first branded gas station
UPDATE 1 Mexico's Pemex opens first branded gas station outside Mexico. The station south of downtown Houston is the first of five to open in the city, chosen for Pemex’s expansion because of its large Hispanic population and competitive gasoline station market. Pemex noted that gasoline sold at the Houston stations will come from the U.S.

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Pemex gained a foothold in the USA’s gas station market
Pemex gained a foothold in the USA’s gas station market. On behalf of Petróleos Mexicanos, the following people attended to the opening event of the first gas station: the Corporate Director of Alliances and New Ventures, José Manuel Carrera, and the Marketing Director of Pemex Industrial Transformation, Marcelo Parizot. Pemex´s new service station is located at 7922 Park Place Blvd, Houston, Texas.

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Presentacion de productos de display gas. Todos nuestros digitos san para uso exterior a prueba de agua, los tenemos en colores Rojo, Verde, Amarillo y Blanc

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What You Need to Know About Buying Gas in Mexico
Since this was a state owned company, all Pemex stations across Mexico sold gas at the same price, so there was no need to look around for the best deal. Since 2018, the market has opened to other gas companies and now there is some competition, so you may find a slight difference in price

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Instala nuestros displays electronicos para cumplir con el anexo PEMEX MOF C10 01. Tienes hasta el 1 de Mayo de 2018 para cumplir con el anexo. Ponte en contacto con nosotros!

Pemex Refining Head Looks to Mitsui Led Deal to Help
Pemex is a few months away from closing an agreement for the project with a group led by Mitsui that will help Pemex increase the amount of fuels produced at

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Mexico: Pemex's Gasoline Monopoly Is Over PanAm Post
Mexico: Pemex’s Gasoline Monopoly Is Over. The plan for Pemex to support the new brands will be tested through 16 gasoline groups for the next six months in Mexico City, Tijuana and Mérida. Twenty percent of each group’s service station will participate in the tests, but will only be open to those groups that have a network of at least 30 stations in the region.

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