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The ongoing expenses for gas station businesses are high. Gas stations must pay for the fuel they sell, which alone often runs over $1 million annual for many stations. They must also purchase other products that are sold, and pay employees’ wages, utilities, taxes and permit fees.
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$80,000 $85,000 average inside merchandise sales and 85,000 90,000 average gallon gas sales per month (historical sales of 150k 180k). No diesel and 6 MPD's. Additional income from Deli/subs/chicken, lottery, ATM, and other rebates.

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Of the more than 124,000 gas stations nationwide, 82.2% have attached convenience stores. This makes buying a gas station even more promising. Average U.S. gas sales reach $249 billion annually with only a $13 billion payout for industry employees. Approximately 70% of annual sales are for the fuel itself.
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For over 25 years, KIOSK Information Systems has proudly led the self service industry. Our teams of niche experts are here for one purpose to make your kiosk project simple and successful. When you buy a kiosk, we implement the specific requirements unique to your team’s objectives.

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Gas Station & mart that makes $480K NET for Sale. Gas Station with $480K Net for Sale. Branded Gas Station & market in a great Location and upscale neighborhood of Sacramento. Seller claims gross annual income of $780K and annual net of $480K. Lease expires 2029 with 1 x 10 years option. Rent is $12,000

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$70,000 Inside Sales Gas Station in Tuscaloosa, AL! Brand New Pumps!$70,000 Inside Sales Gas Station in Tuscaloosa, AL! Brand New Pumps! Skyland, AL. Average Inside sales are over $70,000 per month! Seller nets $10,000 per month after paying $4,600 in payroll.

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Profitable branded gas station with inside sale $50K and outside gas sale 55K Gal. Lotto commission $2,800 per month. Rent $4150. Excellent neighborhood location. No competition. Very low electricity bill. Game $5000. Monthly cash flow $ 8,360 Net after all expense. Signed NDA requires for more detail.

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C) Effective January 1 , 2003, buyer must withhold and transmit a portion of the sales price to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) regardless of whether the seller is a California resident, unless an exemption applies. Exemptions: individuals selling their owner occupied residence or

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offers 446 gas station kiosk products. About 21% of these are advertising players, 11% are payment kiosks, and 7% are printers. A wide variety of gas station kiosk options are available to you, such as free samples.

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