A $43 million gas station in Afghanistan? Not so fast
The station, constructed in the northern Afghanistan city of Sheberghan, was intended to be a pilot project, with a compression station, pipeline extension from the gas grid, vehicle conversion

Report: Afghanistan gas station cost $43 million CNNPolitics
The report stated that the Afghanistan filling station cost 140 times as much as a CNG station in Pakistan. Most concerning to Sopko was that

No, the US did not spend $43 million on a gas station in
No, the US did not spend $43 million on a gas station in Afghanistan By Jeff Goodson, opinion contributor — 01/17/18 12:40 PM EST The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the

U.S. burns $43 million to build gas station in Afghanistan
U.S. burns $43 million to build gas station in Afghanistan. The money came from the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, which was originally created by the Defense Department to help revive post invasion Iraq. The task force was redirected to Afghanistan in 2009. Congress appropriated about $822 million between 2010 and 2014 to the effort.

Pentagon offers no answers on $43 million price tag for
The Defense Department spent $43 million on a compressed natural gas fueling station in Afghanistan, while a similar project in Pakistan cost just $300,000

Probe in retaliation against Army whistleblower who
The purpose of the gas station project, in SIGAR Sopko's words, "was to demonstrate the commercial viability of CNG (compressed natural gas) for automobiles in Afghanistan as part of a broader effort to take advantage of Afghanistan’s domestic natural gas reserves and reduce the country’s reliance on energy imports."

According to a TFBSO study, the Task Force spent nearly $43 million to construct a compressed natural gas (CNG) automobile filling station in the city of Sheberghan, Afghanistan.

A Pricey Oversight in Afghanistan The Daily Show with
A Pricey Oversight in Afghanistan Clip 11/10/2015 SIGAR, a U.S. government task force that monitors reconstruction in Afghanistan, can't figure out why the country's natural gas filling station

Pentagon spent $43 million on gas station in Afghanistan
Pentagon spent $43 million on gas station in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has come under fire for spending nearly $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan, 140 times the cost of comparable filling stations in the region. A comparable compressed natural gas station in Pakistan cost no more than $500,000 to build,

Federal Government Spent $43M on Gas Station in Afghanistan
Inspector general said it indicates ‘stupidity’ and possibly ‘fraud’. A gas station in Afghanistan in 2009 / AP. BY: Follow @mchalfant16. Novem 10:45 am. The federal government spent almost $43 million in taxpayer money to build a gas station in Afghanistan, according to a special inspector general report released Monday.

U.S. Spent $43 Million on Afghanistan Gas Station
The mission involved building and operating Afghanistan's first compressed natural gas filling station in the city of Sheberghan and helping develop the commercial market for domestic natural gas.

How the Pentagon spent $43 million on a single gas station
The compressed natural gas station in Afghanistan that cost $43 million. John Sopko’s team of investigators has uncovered all kinds of wasteful spending in Afghanistan through its work as a U.S. government watchdog. Now the group has uncovered a $43 million gas station, which Sopko calls “gratuitous and extreme”—and possibly criminal.

Afghan Natural Gas Station User Clip
Rand Paul describes wasteful spending example where US built a natural gas fueling station in Afghanistan. Report profane or abusive content Javascript must be enabled in order to access C SPAN

List of power stations in Afghanistan Wikipedia
List of power stations in Afghanistan. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This page lists power stations in Afghanistan. Hydroelectric. Inside the power station at the Kajaki Dam in the southern Helmand Province of Afghanistan. Station Province Coordinates Gas. Station Province Coordinates Capacity Commissioned Ref Mazar i Sharif:

Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan India Pipeline Wikipedia
The Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan India Pipeline, also known as Trans Afghanistan Pipeline, is a natural gas pipeline being developed by the Galkynysh TAPI Pipeline Company Limited with participation of the Asian Development Bank. The pipeline will transport natural gas from the Galkynysh Gas Field in Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India. Construction on the

Pentagon spent $43m on 'world's most expensive gas station
The report found that a compressed natural gas filling station in neighboring Pakistan costs no more than $500,000 to construct. That would make the

Pentagon blows $43 million on useless Afghan gas station
Watchdog: Military blew $43M on useless gas station. A Pentagon task force awarded a $3 million contract to build the station in Sheberghan, Afghanistan, but ended up spending $12 million in construction costs and $30 million in "overhead" between 2011 and 2014, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) found.

The Myth of the $43 Million Gas Station in Afghanistan
The Myth of the $43 Million Gas Station in Afghanistan. That ongoing effort includes the full spectrum of gas production, processing, transmission, and distribution infrastructure, along with market development, capacity building, and establishment of the legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks to make it all work.

Watchdog: U.S. Paid For 'World's Most Expensive' Gas
Watchdog: U.S. Paid For 'World's Most Expensive' Gas Station In Afghanistan. This natural gas station in Sheberghan, Afghanistan, cost American taxpayers nearly $43 million to build. "DOD charged the American taxpayer $43 million for what is