Industrial Uses for Soybeans ScienceDirect
Industrial uses for soybeans comprise no more than 0.5% of the protein and 2.6% of the oil produced from soybeans grown in the United States. There are no current industrial uses for whole soybeans. There is one instance when soybeans were used for ship ballast, and powdered soybeans were patented as a floor covering.

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WATER INJECTION SYSTEM (option) A piston type, positive displacement water pump injects water under pressure into the compressed air system to provide a means of dust suppression. Water tanks are available in 150 to 1000 gallon (568 to 3785 l) capaci ties. The pump shown, is belt driven by a hydraulic motor.

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Patent Abstracts International Solid Waste Management 1945
The device for carrying out this operation has a compressed air cylinder, with valves leading to a control device, which works in connection with the moving parts of the tipper and with a compressed air driven hydraulic pump with valves leading to the main con tainer. (Text in German) INT 0107 Armitage, J. B. (Freighters Limited).

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• Drake dragged an iron water pump from the equipment pile, lowered into the well with threaded shaft, rigged the pump handle to the oscillating arm used by Uncle Billy to drive his cable tool drilling rig and began the first “modern” oil production into a metal washtub” • The first days production was about twenty five barrels

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offers 118 mining emulsion pump station products. About 24% of these are pumps. A wide variety of mining emulsion pump station options are available to you, such as single stage pump, multistage pump, and screw pump.