Home WIKA Instrumentation PTE. LTD.
WIKA is a global market leader in pressure, temperature, level, force and flow measurement, as well as in calibration. Working together with our customers, we develop comprehensive solutions based on our high quality measurement technology components, with the solutions ultimately being integrated in their business processes.

High Accuracy Digital Pressure Gauges with NIST
A 1/4 18 NPT 316 stainless steel fitting is standard for the pressure connection. Media compatibility includes any liquids or gases compatible with 316 stainless steel. The DPG1001 features a wide operating temperature range of 20 to 85°C ( 4 to 185°F).

XP2i Digital Pressure Gauge
Ultra rugged, intrinsically safe, digital pressure gauge with 0.1% of reading accuracy. Replaces 5 or more digital test gauges.

Pressure Calibrators & Calibration Fluke Calibration us
Pressure calibration is the comparison of the output of a device used to measure pressure with that of another pressure measurement device, or pressure measurement standard. This usually involves plumbing the device under test (DUT) to the standard device and generating a common pressure in the measurement circuit.

Calibration Pumps / Pressure Sources Instrumart
Benchtop pressure pump designed to generate pressure to 40,000 psi (2,800 bar) with dual piston system ideal for filling large volumes

2700G Series Reference Pressure Gauges Fluke Cal
2700G Series Reference Pressure Gauges. Combine with the 700PTPK or 700HTPK pump kits for a complete portable pressure testing solution for up to 600 psi with the PTP 1 pneumatic pump and up to 10 000 psi with the HTP 2 hydraulic pump Combine with the P5510, P5513, P5514, or P5515 Comparison Test Pumps for a complete bench top pressure calibration

The true accuracy of a pressure gauge under operating conditions can be difficult to determine, in part because manufacturers’ specifications are often very confusing. One of the major differences between

Cameron Instruments Pressure Products Cameron
Fluke DH Instruments offers a large selection of pressure standards, from the PG7000 piston gauge to the PPC4 Controllers & RPM4 Reference Pressure Monitors. These standards offer state of the art technology, allowing you to measure from low absolute pressure to 72,500psi.

Liquid Level & Pressure Gauges Sales, Repair & Certification
Gage it Your Source for Pressure Gauges, Liquid Level Gauges & Backflow Test Kits. Repair & Certification. Expert Advice, Fast Delivery. Order Online!

Pressure gauge Etsy
Blood pressure meter, Blood pressure monitor, Soviet pressure meter in original box, Manual blood pressure, Old pressure gauge manometer TheVintageEurope 5 out of 5 stars (808) $

PressureWorx: Pressure Gauges & Air Regulators
Calibration Certificates. Pressure Transducer Accessories. Air Regulator Accessories. Learn about Pressure Gauges, Transducers & Air Regulators. Stainless Steel Pressure Gauge. Stainless steel pressure gauges are industrial quality with heavy duty sensing elements and case designs. These gauges are typically used in more demanding applications.

Gauge Calibration WIKA USA
WIKA’s Calibration Laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited. WIKA offers full calibration services for measuring instruments produced by WIKA and also for other brands and manufacturers. In house experts can help you determine optimal gauge calibration cycles for your particular application and minimize disruptions, down times, and costs.

Pressure Gauge Calibrator Fluke 700G Precision Calibrators
Product overview: Fluke 700G Pressure Gauge Calibrator Fluke 700G Precision Pressure Gauge Calibrator offers 23 ranges of pressure measurements The Fluke 700G is a rugged, easy to use, and reliable pressure gauge calibrator that offers 23 ranges from ±10 inH 2 O/ 20 mbar to 10,000 psi/690 bar with accuracy of % of full scale.

How to Perform Pressure Gauge Calibration with a Dead
How to Perform Pressure Gauge Calibration with a Dead Weight Tester? It’s important to calibrate pressure gauges regularly, particularly if their performance and accuracy is critical for quality assurance or matter what type of pressure gauge you use, you can perform calibration with a dead weight tester to check whether the device is performing as expected.

Micro Precision Calibration
Calibration Newsletter. This allows Micro Precision Calibration Service to provide state of the art test equipment calibration services that calibrate almost any mechanical, electronic, or

Pressure gauges WIKA South Africa
Pressure gauges from WIKA market leader since 1946. For the optimal solution for the widest range of applications, there is a choice of measuring systems in Bourdon tube, diaphragm element and capsule element technologies. The pressure gauges cover scale ranges from 0 0.5 mbar to 0 6,000 bar and indication accuracies of up to 0.1 %.

Pressure Gauge Calibration RS Calibration Services, Inc.
Pressure Gauge Calibration Pressure gauges are instruments used to measure the pressure of liquid or gaseous materials by calculating the force they would exert at a state of rest. The gauge displays the difference between the pressure in the area being measured and that of the surroundings, called the gauge pressure.

Pressure Gauges Instrumart
Differential pressure gauges ranging from 15 to 100 psi, intrinsically safe, capable of continuous vacuum measurement

Pressure Gauges
Gauge Sizes Our pressure gauges come in different options, such as center back mount, lower mount, or panel mount. The gauge face dials range from 1 1/2”, 2", 2 1/2”, 4”. We offer a wide range of measurements, from vacuum to 15,000 PSI.

Pressure Gauge Calibration Service Precision Calibration
Differential Pressure Gauge Calibration. A Differential pressure gauge indicates the difference in pressure between two points. These gauges contain two entrance ports with each connected to one of the monitored pressure capacities. Using this type of pressure gauge allows one the ability to read the pressure difference between two points