PTE Calibrations
Servicing the manufacturing, engineering and mining industries in South Africa and Africa with high quality calibration and repair services. Home like Workplace PTE proudly boasts of being able to successfully run a company with family members and a team of employees who have become like family.

Calibration Equipment Mouser South Africa
Calibration Equipment are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for Calibration Equipment.

ACTS Audiometric Calibration & Training Services
ACTS also market both the Koko Spirometers with its advanced software. Training on the use of the spirometers and its software is provided on installation. The spirometers comply with the latest ATS/ERS and local SATS/SANS 451 standards.. Spirometer calibration checks are also performed at request from the clients as per recommendation.

SAMD Southern Africa Master Distributors
SAMD are active across the support chain and have the expertise to offer you end to end support. Our teams of technicians are located country wide and no area in South Africa is beyond our reach. We can offer you expertise in pump and dispenser maintenance (all makes and models of pumps).

How to calibrate a spray rig Farmer's Weekly
Follow these steps to carry out calibration accurately and to ensure that the tractor driver follows the correct procedure for spraying: Step 1 Measure a 100m section of road. Decide on a suitable tractor speed for spraying by selecting the correct gear and engine speed.

Servicing, Repair and Calibration for Avery Weigh Tronix
Avery Weigh Tronix is committed to providing high quality, lifetime service support for all weighing equipment. Our network of service technicians are on hand to install and maintain your equipment, including emergency call outs, repair and calibration.

Contact Us, Torque Wrench, Torque Wrenches, Torque
TORQUE TOOL (PTY) LTD distributes the most comprehensive range of Torque Tightening and Measuring equipment in Southern Africa. Our aim to supply the correct equipment for the job no matter what the torque requirement is. We have direct access to

Commercial Scales Industrial and Retail Scales Scale
Scale Tronics are suppliers of Commercial Scales, Industrial and Retail Scales in South Africa. Tel: +27 11 613 8211

Calibration electronic measuring equipment :: DARE!! EU
Calibration. Calibrations is specialized in calibrating high frequency measuring equipment and in particular EMC equipment in a frequency range of (DC) 40 GHz. New the site validation calibrations whereby DARE!! Calibration can calibrate shielded rooms (Faraday room)

Welding Equipment Meter Calibration
The actual procedures made for ISO 9000 documentation can come from a couple of sources: the customer could give you the procedure, they may ask you to provide a procedure, or you may work on the procedure together with the customer. Continued APRIL, 2000 What You Need to Know about Meter Calibration by Stan Hischke, Product Testing Calibration

Water Quality Testing and Analytical Instruments Hach
At Hach, our products are meant to make water analysis better, faster, and more informative with our knowledgable experts and easy to use products.

Suppliers of Breathalyzers in South Africa Alcosafe
ALCO Safe is the major supplier of the high quality, portable alcohol breathalyzer test range from Lion CMI world leaders in alcohol detection technology. Lion Alcoblow ® Rapid Test. Durable, reliable, fast and accurate alcohol tester. Lion Alcolmeter® 500P. Portable breathalyzer, with printer and carry case.

Procedure for Equipment Calibration and Maintenance
Procedure for Equipment Calibration and Maintenance. 1.0 Purpose This procedure specifies the schedule and requirements for calibration, performance verification, and maintenance of State Crime Laboratory testing instruments and equipment. 2.0 Scope This procedure applies to the critical laboratory equipment used by the Laboratory.

calibration of tanks for sale in South Africa Censtar
calibration of tanks for sale in South Africa. Calibration & service centre WIKA South Africa. Therefore, you should entrust the calibration and maintenance of your measuring instruments to a competent partner. WIKA South Africa’s pressure calibration laboratory received its SANAS (ISO/IEC 17 025) accreditation in December 2008.

Park City, KS Businesses For Sale
Find the Park City, KS business opportunity that’s right for you on BizBuySell. We have a variety of Park City business opportunities currently for sale like coin laundries, bakeries, retail shops, websites and

Nuclear Gauge Calibration, Nuclear Gauge Repair Services
Calibration. Humboldt nuclear gauge calibration complies or exceeds ASTM and AASHTO standards by providing five block calibration for all gauge calibrations. Humboldt is one of the few companies that offer five block calibration as a standard method, most only offer 3 block.

Montech Calibration Services Profesional Calibration
Montech Calibration Services is currently the only Black Woman Owned ISO 17025 SANAS accredited calibration laboratory in South Africa, specialising in Temperature & Humidity equipment.

Metal Detectors South Africa
Metal detectors South Africa. Get the latest metal detector news, buy metal detectors, search metal detector finds & get tips & techniques for your treasure hunting hobby.

Electrical Test Equipment Electrical Calibration Equipment
Transmille provide electrical calibration equipment for different services, helping your electric tester needs with our electrical test equipment.

Gas/Flame Detection PSA
PSA Africa has a network of qualified people throughout South Africa to support requirements for high quality products and superior after sales support.