Used Flow Meters Buy & Sell EquipNet
EquipNet is the world's leading provider of used flow meters and various other preowned equipment. Our exclusive contracts with our clients yield a wide range of used flow meters from a number of respected OEMs, including Sierra Instruments, Endress and Hauser, King, Micro Motion, Rosemount, and many more.EquipNet is constantly receiving used flow meters of various makes, models, and capacities.

diesel flow meter Censtar
Find great deals on Censtar for diesel flow meter. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. Censtar Logo: Shop by category. Shop by category. Enter your search keyword Pro K24 Turbine Digital Diesel Fuel Flow Meter For Chemical Water Sea Adjustable. Brand new. 4.0 out of 5 stars.

Liquid Flowmeters KROHNE Group
Based on over 30 years of experience in ultrasonic flow metering and ongoing in house R&D, KROHNE developed a truly universal ultrasonic flow meter for process applications in the oil and gas industry. Excellent performance, easy engineering, installation and operation for a competitive price. more

Adding a High Accuracy Fuel Flow Meter on your Boat
Adding a high accuracy fuel flow meter onto your boat is a much easier installation then most people would assume, and it gives you some important advantages. Let’s face facts: just about anyone who’s run a boat for years on end has either run the fuel tanks dry, or come close enough that they’ve stressed over reaching the dock.

Marine Gas Fuel Flow Meters & Consumption Gauges for Sale
We offer dozens of marine fuel flow meters for sale, all at discount, including some at close to 50 percent off. Take the 9000 33c 2 Floscan Fuel Flow Meter for example. It's a combination tachometer, engine hour meter, fuel flow meter, fuel totalizer and MPG gauge that fits into the space reserved for a normal tachometer.

Liquid Flow Meters for Low Flows Bronkhorst
Liquid flow meters for low flow rates. For liquids, Bronkhorst specialises in micro to low mass flow rates. We manufacture Mass Flow Meters and Controllers, based on the thermal and Coriolis measuring principle from 100 mg/h up to 600 kg/h as well as volumetric flow meters based on ultrasonic wave technology for ml/min.

FloScan Instrument Co. Inc.
Models are available for virutally all gas and diesel engines rated from 25 hp to 4000 hp. Series 7500/7600 Multifunction Meter (U.S.) Our Series 7500/7600 Multifunction Meter combines a digital LCD Engine Hour Meter, Tachometer, Fuel Flowmeter, and Fuel Totalizer in a single 3 3/8" diameter instrument which fits the panel space of a standard tach.

Fuel Meter Fuel Flow Meters Diesel Flow Meter
FUEL METERS. Diesel fuel meters are available in several sizes from 1/2" up to 3". The digital fuel flow meter options we have include batteries and on average, dependent upon usage they last anywhere from 3 5

Diesel Fuel Flow Meter Diesel Fuel Meters Manufacturer
Diesel Flow meter is a kind of positive displacement Meter to measure the liquid flow or instantaneous flow of the Pipe tube. lt is a kind of accumulate meter. With Characteristics of high accuracy, small change by the fluid Viscosity, it is widely used to measure oil

We supply a range of flow meters incl. Tokico, Fill Rite
• 1” Mechanical flow meter designed for a high degree of accuracy when dispensing diesel and other compatible fluids. • Aluminium body, nutating disc chamber, 3 or 4 digits resettable batch register, 6 or 7 digits non resettable totaliser

Marine Gas Fuel Flow Meters & Consumption Gauges for Sale
We offer dozens of marine fuel flow meters for sale, all at discount, including some at close to 50 percent off. Take the 9000 33c 2 Floscan Fuel Flow Meter for example. It's a combination tachometer, engine hour meter, fuel flow meter, fuel totalizer and MPG gauge that

Flowmeters Liquid Flow Meters Grainger Industrial Supply
A liquid flow meter from Grainger can help easily monitor liquid flow rates for water, fuels, viscous fluids and more. Check out this selection to find flow meters that can handle petroleum products, nonpotable water and compatible chemicals for fuel dispensing pumps and industrial flow measurement.

Diesel Flow Meters from UK Piusi Flow Meter Supplier CTS
Diesel flow meters are often utilised within fuel transfer pump installations to count the amount of diesel that has been dispensed into the vehicle when refuelling. The products in the diesel flow meter range from Italian manufacturer Piusi are known for their accurate results when used within a non resale, fuel transfer environment.

Flow Meters Yokogawa South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
Vortex Flow Meters Yokogawa has been synonymous with Vortex flow meters since pioneering the industrial vortex flow meter nearly four decades ago. Over those decades, Yokogawa has continued to be at the fore front of vortex technology; so, today, Yokogawa offers a large variety of vortex flow meters, including custom made designs.

Is there a way to measure fuel flow on a diesel engine? YBW
Is there a way to measure fuel flow on a diesel engine? I have a Yanmar 4LHA which has no electrickery so no black box with NMEA2000 and all that. Is there a way of measuring diesel fuel consumption dynamically without spending a four figure sum on a fuel flow meter

Installing a Fuel Flow Meter
Installing a fuel flow meter in just about any powerboat is a good idea; it gives you a wealth of data about your burn rate, at a glance. But all flowmeters are not created equally. And how you install them can have a dramatic effect on just how accurately they work. Use these tips when you install

Low Flow Experts Max Precision Flow Meters
Precision Flow Meters for gasoline, diesel fuel, hydraulic fluid and chemical injection. Capable of measuring low flows down to cc/min. Able to measure over a wide range of up to 2000:1. Suitable for the intermittent flow of injection systems. Delivering high accuracy within +/ 0.2% of reading.

Liquid Fuel Oil Flow meter with 13mm diesel gasoline Gear
Liquid Fuel Oil Flow meter with 13mm diesel gasoline Gear flow sensor NEW without 12 24V DC adapter The digital display meter can display the instantaneous flow and cumulative flow , flow unit is L / min , can display the environmental temperature

Fuel Flow Meters: Monitoring Diesel Engine Fuel
If now we take an example of two low accuracy fuel flow meters in the flow and return lines of a diesel engine. If these devices each have an accuracy of ±2% of reading and the instrument doing the subtraction is absolute, the figures are shown in the chart below with the possible reading bands within the accuracy of the fuel flow meters.

diesel fuel meter for sale in Zaire Censtar Science and
High quality Fuel flow meters FUEL VIEW The compact fuel flow meter for monitoring fuel consumption The FUEL VIEW series of fuel flow meters offer a compact , light weight and very cost effective solution for measuring fuel consumption and operating time of vehicles, tractors, river vessels or any mobile or fixed installations with diesel engines.