Tank Fuel bacino 100% Fuel Tank 100% bunded
Lunghezza tubo Hose length 04 = 4 m 05 = 5 m 06 = 6 m Distributore Dispenser gLM70M gLM100M gLM70E gLM100E gLM70C gLM100C CUbO50 CUbO70 CUbO70MC ECO CVTV FIMAC qUANTIUM [iT] Serbatoio TANk FUEL per carburante Diesel completi di bacino di contenimento di capacità pari a quella del serbatoio. [En] Steel tanks for Diesel fuel storage and delivery

Cat generale it web 11 2014 by RIGHETTO SERBATOI SRL Issuu
Fuel dispensing unit, 50 litres/min, for avio fuel in accordance with ATEX. 220V power supply, 12V or 24V. Supply hose length 4 meters, litre counter, water separating filter, automatic dispensing

GLM M Main Power Hydraulics Machinery Co
GLM M Lunghezza tubo Hose length 05 =5 m 06 =6 m Portata pompa Pump flow rate 70 =70 lpm 100 =90 lpm Presente solo per contalitri PULSER Only for dispensers with PULSER meter Distributore per carburante Diesel a testata meccanica e contalitri ad uso non commerciale. Mechanical type, sturdy and reliable dispenser for

Petroleum & Fuel Hose Curb Pump, Farm, Fuel Oil Delivery
Full line of Petroleum and Fuel Hose from John M. Ellsworth Co., Inc. We carry brands such as Goodyear, Kuriyama and more. Order securely online.

Contenitori in polietilene per trasporto gasolio Omologati ADR, marcatura UN Polyethylene tanks for diesel fuel transport Pursuant to ADR regulation, UN mark Serbatoi per gasolio trasportabili prodotti in polietilene lineare con stampaggio rotazionale, omologati

• Rubber dispensing hose for diesel fuel, 4 meters long. • Automatic nozzle with nozzle holder. • Electronic panel with display for showing dispensed quantity. Characteristics: • Flow rate 70 l/min. • Precision ± 0.5% • Easy to interface with external control systems. • Pulse output with calibrated pulses that can be changed by

CUBE 56 70 Oilybits
Dispenser Diesel fuel dispensers CUBE pumps have been developed for the distribution of Diesel fuel in non commercial uses. With CUBE fuel pumps, vehicles can be refuelled quickly and safely, with various options for measuring and recording the quantities dispensed. The flow meters mounted on CUBE pumps have sturdy mechanical readout systems

Catalogo generale Lubrificanti GPL
Tanks homologated for the supply of diesel with a discharge of 1,500 to 9,000 litres with drip tray, roofing and fuel dis pensers with a discharge of from 40 to 90 litres/min.

Poli 230 TS Pameg
Poli 230 TS Per il trasporto di gasolio in esen zione totale secondo ADR. Le caratteristiche del polietilene lineare sono: La compattezza. La resistenza abbinata alla leggerezza. • Capacità 230 lt • Il serbatoio è dotato di tappo di carico con sfiato. • Pompa 12 0 24 volt con portata di 40 l/min. • 5 mt di tubo

Dispenser CUBE 70 MC Diesel fuel dispensers with multi user meter CUBE 70 MC has been designed and manufactured to cater for the demand for a compact diesel fuel dispenser for private use that is easy to install, ensures fast and precise dispensing and can only be used by qualified personnel. A dedicated software permits exporting data to a PC.

Calaméo Serbatoi, Cisterne e Serbatoi Antincendio.
Rotary vane pump for oil, diesel and petrol. Avvolgitubo Hose winder 332000 Pompa rotativa Rotary vane pump Fuel dispensing units Gruppo erogatore da 50 lt/min per carburanti avio a norma ATEX.Alimentazione a 220 volt, 12 o 24 volt. Tubo di erogazione da 4 m., contalitri, filtro separato re d’acqua, pistola automatica.

Tank Fuel Securbox
Tank Fuel 6 500 Tank Fuel 7 3. 300 500 Tank Fuel 9 555 Tank Fuel DATI TECNICI TEChNICAL DATA SERBAToi Con ARmADio Di ERoGAZionE TAnkS EQUippED WiTH DiSpEnSinG CABinET: TF XX / XX 5025 1023 XX XX

SISTEMI DI EROGAZIONE FUELLING SYSTEMS CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI: Distributore per gasolio integrato, omologato dal Mi nistero dell’ Interno (approvazione per carburanti di Integrated Diesel fuel dispenser, approved for Class C fuels and for non commercial use, combined with

CUBE 70 MC has been designed and manufactured to cater
CUBE 70 MC has been designed and manufactured to cater for the demand for a compact diesel fuel dispenser for private use that is easy to install, ensures fast and precise dispensing and can only be used by qualified personnel. A dedicated girevole e tubo gasolio di 4 metri.

E CVTV Cube 50 Cube 70 SGAZ ER SYSTE D G UELL 04 04
• Zva automatic fuel nozzle and 4 m of rubber hose. FuEL ManaGEMEnt sYstEM: • power supply: single phase 230 v 50 Hz. • the fuel management system reads the parameters set on the tag and allows the refuelling only if it has complied with the instructions that are displayed (by entering odometer reading, personnel codes, etc.).

Calaméo Catalogo Tomes 2015
Siamo fieri di potervi offrire la linea gasolio omologata dal Ministero dell’Interno. .S. s.r.l. was founded in the end of Seventies and rapidly grew thanks to its technologies and the capacity for adaptation to the current market. Over the years it has became a successful firm producing technical articles, which are the result of

Diesel Hoses & Diesel Delivery Hoses CTS
Our diesel delivery hose range for connecting your pump to the nozzle consists of a variety of options. We supply diesel hose open ended per metre or in coils, or assembled kits with ferrules and hose tails if a ready to connect solution is required. Please note that our diesel hose kits are assembled in

Pompa elettrica portatile per travaso gasolio 12 o 24 Volt. Electric hand kit for diesel fuel transfer 12 or 24 Volt. Art. 2700 Come art. 2703 con contalitri digitale. As art. 2703 with electronic meter. Art. 2725 Come art. 2700 con erogazione lt/min. 70 As art. 2700 with flow rate lt/min. 70 Art. 2702 Art. 2703 A&G Martinelli Catalogo 2009

Distributore Di Carburante Pompa Acquista a poco prezzo
Acquista Distributore Di Carburante Pompa da Affidabili fornitori Distributore Di Carburante Pompa Cinesi. Trova Qualità Distributore Di Carburante Pompa Auto e Moto, Home improvement, Strumenti, Casa e Giardino e altro su

GEPS Oil & Gas
6. Fuel resistant flexible delivery hose. Standard length: 4.5 metres. The hose is coaxial when the dispenser is equipped with vapour recovery system. 7. Automatic delivery nozzle covered with a casing (optional) in different colours according to products delivered. A