Department of Public Utilities
The DPU oversees investor owned electric power, natural gas, and water companies in Massachusetts. In addition, the DPU regulates the safety of bus companies, moving companies, and transportation network companies. We also oversee the safety of natural gas pipelines.

Understanding Natural Gas Compressor Stations
Natural gas is a colorless, odorless gas, so an odorant, typically mercaptan, is added to the gas stream as an additional safety mechanism. Odorization of natural gas in Interstate and gathering transmission systems is regulated under Title 49, part 192 of the Federal Code of Regulations, which requires transmission lines in highly populated areas (Class 3 and 4 locations) to be odorized.

Natural gas safety PUCO
Natural gas is used by more than 50 percent of American households as their main heating source. Natural gas is clean, efficient and relatively safe. However, because there are potential dangers associated with natural gas usage, the PUCO recommends that consumers remember these safety tips.

Petroleum Gas Station Checklist Retail Blog
Petroleum Gas Station Checklist Posted on J Ap by Compliant IA To assist multi unit retailers starting or improving their retail audit program, Compliant IA regularly publishes how to guides, best practices and checklists.

How Does the Natural Gas Delivery System Work? American
Natural gas pipelines and utilities use very sophisticated computer models of customer demand for natural gas, which relate daily and hourly consumption trends with seasonal and environmental factors. That's why customers can depend on the reliability of natural gas when it's needed, it's there. Gate Stations

Safety Considerations for Natural Gas Pipeline
Safety Considerations for Natural Gas Pipeline Construction, Operation, and Maintenance. Brian Gardner, Operations Manager & Cameron Bingham, Construction Manager. Garfield County Energy Advisory Board Meeting . March 2. nd, 2017

Additionally, operators of all natural gas systems, except master meter systems, must test employees in safety sensitive positions for prohibited drugs and alcohol and provide an employee assistance program. The requirements for drug and alcohol testing of pipeline

Inspection and maintenance requirements for compressed
The Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition 400 North Capitol Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Dear Mr. Seiff: Thank you for your Novem letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) [Directorate of Enforcement Programs (DEP)]. You have questions regarding OSHA's Compressed Gases (General Requirements) Standard, § . Please be aware that this

Regulations Section PHMSA
§ Control of the pressure of gas delivered from high pressure distribution systems § Requirements for design of pressure relief and limiting devices § Required capacity of pressure relieving and limiting stations § Instrument, control, and sampling pipe and components

Gasoline Safety and Fuel Storage Tips Exxon and Mobil
Exxon and Mobil branded service stations adhere to strict safety practices to help keep customers safe at all times. But please remember, gasoline and diesel fuels are flammable, and therefore they can be dangerous, so always use caution. Never smoke anywhere near

Gas Station Safety mpdc
Gas Station Safety. Keep valuables out of sight in your vehicle and lock the doors, even if you are going inside for just a moment. Pick your pump with care. It might be worthwhile to wait for the pump nearest to the attendant or building. Pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t be distracted by your cell phone.

Gas Station Safety OSHAcademy Online Safety Training
Gas Station Safety. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics 29 fatalities occurred in the gas station industry in 2014. For every 100 employees in the gas station industry 2.3 employees were injured. 1.1 out of every 100 employees were injured severly enough to cause them to miss work or require a job transfer or restricted job duties.

CNG Station Safety
Natural Gas Safety. It must be at a concentration of between 5% and 15% volume in the air to catch fire. Natural gas is lighter than air and will dissipate rapidly rather than pool in one place, greatly reducing fire hazard. CNG is non toxic and poses no threat as either a ground or water contaminant.

Alternative Fuels Data Center: Natural Gas Fuel Safety
Natural Gas Fuel Safety. The fuel storage and delivery systems for natural gas vehicles (NGVs) are governed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). NFPA 52, the Vehicular Gaseous Fuel Systems Code, spells out specific safety requirements for NGVs and their fueling facilities. In addition NFPA 30A applies to facilities

Installation Guidance: CNG Refueling Stations DVRPC
Station Installation Safety Valves and Devices oStorage: A manual shutoff valve installed at the outlet of storage. oDispenser: Breakaway protection shall be provided in the event of a pull away fuel stops to flow due to separation. oDispenser: A quarter turn manual shutoff valve may be required at a

Liquefied Natural Gas Safety Research Department of Energy
Liquefied Natural Gas Need Clarification,’ found that the most likely public safety impact of an LNG spill is the heat hazard of a fire, but disagreed with the specific heat hazard of a fire and cascading damage failure conclusion, which is used by the Coast Guard to prepare

Meter & Regulator Stations Natural Gas Pipeline Services
Meter and regulator stations are the points of transfer where the pipeline company measures gas quality and volumetric flow, and reduces the pressure of the gas to feed natural gas distribution systems. CHI possesses specific expertise in the design, permitting, fabrication, installation, maintenance and operation of meter and regulator stations.