Tank Contents Gauges Liquid Level Systems
The Series 600 Self Powered Tank Contents Gauges have been designed specifically for Marine and Industrial applications. The instruments are completely automatic and provide remote continuous indication of tank contents.

Contents Gauges For Oil Storage Tanks
See our wide range of Oil storage tank contents gauges, from push button sight guages, float gauges, hydrostatic, electronic level indicators, drum gauges and the ever popular Tankmaster 4 in 1 always all of our oil storage tank contents gauges here

Automated Tank Cleaning and Waste Management(Oil Based
We offer Automated Crude Oil Storage Tank Cleaning, Vessel Mud/Brine/Diesel Storage Tank Cleaning, Oil Based Mud (OBM) Treatment and Disposal, Water Based Mud (WBM) Treatment and Disposal, Synthetic Based Mud (SBM) Treatment and Disposal Drilling Waste Treatment and Disposal, Chemical Waste Treatment and Disposal, General Waste Treatment and Disposal

How to Calculate Tank Level Using Pressure Hunker
Sensing hydrostatic or liquid leg head pressure is an accurate and reliable way to communicate the height of the liquid level within a tank. It is based on the principle that water or any other liquid of known specific gravity exerts a given pressure at the bottom that increases as the level goes up.

Tank Gauges
Oil Tanks . Bunded Oil Tanks . Domestic Oil Tanks; Harlequin Oil Tanks . HQi Bunded Oil Tank; ITE Bunded Oil Tank; Atlas Oil Tanks; Titan Oil Tanks; Underground Oil Tanks; Oil Tank Security; Oil Tank Accessories . Tank Gauges; Fuel Filters; Other Accessories; Nozzles & Hoses; Steel Oil Tanks . Bunded Steel Tanks . Cylindrical Bunded Diesel

Visual Level Indicators & Gauges Gems Sensors & Controls
DIPTAPE tank level indicators & tank level gauges are manually operated, compact and self contained. Ideal for hazardous areas, they are non electrical, plus liquids and vapors remain sealed from the atmosphere. Pop the cap, pull the tab and up comes the tape to tell you exactly how much liquid remains in the tank or drum.

MUD ENGINEERING This chapter covers the following items
MUD ENGINEERING This chapter covers the following items ¾ Function of drilling mud ¾ Drilling mud ¾ Types of drilling mud • Water base mud • Oil base mud • Emulsion mud ¾ Fundamental properties of mud ¾ Mud calculations ¾ Mud contaminant Types of water base mud Clear water ¾ Fresh or saturated brine water can be used to drill hard,

Drilling base oil ExxonMobil Chemical
Drilling base oil . We combined our drilling, product technology and environmental expertise to tailor a range of Escaid™ base fluids for drilling mud oils that perform under the toughest drilling conditions while meeting safety, health and environmental requirements. Check out Quick links to explore additional content. Quick

Mud Mixing & Storage Tanks
Mud Tanks are available for the storage and mixing of oil and water based drilling mud. Tanks feature 500 barrel capacities with epoxy linings. This Solid mounted tank is designed to provide easy viewing of the tank contents. Interior walls are smooth for easy cleanout and speedy deployment. Can be deployed on land and barges. Product Features:

Mud Gas Separator Wikipedia
Mud Gas Separator is commonly called a gas buster or poor boy captures and separates the large volumes of free gas within the drilling there is a "kick" situation, this vessel separates the mud and the gas by allowing it to flow over baffle plates.

MUD AGITATOR Technical Description. Mud Agitator is used for maintaining a drilling / work over fluid of uniform consistency throughout the surface mud system. Featuring a "C" face, Sparklet Agitators are coupled to a rugged oilfield gearbox, which eliminates misalignment and troublesome couplings. Models: Available in Horizontal & Vertical

Drilling & Completion Fluids SECURE Energy Services
As one of the largest suppliers of oil based mud in Western Canada, SECURE’s Drilling and Production Services division has been guaranteed a large volume supply of base oil from suppliers. SECURE purchases over 100,000 m 3 of base oil on an annual basis in Canada, which in turn is supplied out of our three Canadian facilities. With this

Why Brine Is The Next Best Thing Drilling Point
Why Brine Is The Next Best Thing. Oil based drilling fluids are effective but controversial and water based fluids need to be disposed of after one use. Brine, however, is proving to be the real alternative, writes Sudakshina Bhattacharjee

: Oil Tank Gauge
PIC Gauge S201L 254G 2.5" Dial, 0/200 psi Range, 1/4" Male NPT Connection Size, Bottom Mount Single Scale Glycerine Filled Pressure Gauge with a Stainless Steel Case, Brass Internals, Stainless Steel Bezel, and Polycarbonate Lens

What is Diesel Oil Mud? Definition from Petropedia
Diesel oil mud is an oil based mud that is widely used in drilling to dig through oil wells. Drilling mud, also known as drilling fluids, can be of three types water based, oil based and gas based. Ideally, a diesel oil mud would be used in drilling a well that is difficult to access by other means.

brine Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary
We prefer to use brine as a general term. The emulsified calcium chloride [CaCl 2] solution (or any other saline phase) in an oil mud is referred to as "brine" or "brine phase." The oil/brine ratio, abbreviated OBR, is used to compare solids content and salinities of oil muds

The Cost Benefits Of Reusing Drilling Fluids
The Cost Benefits Of Reusing Drilling Fluids . The cost benefits of reusing drilling fluids are obvious, writes Sudakshina Bhattacharjee, but the practical obstacles drilling engineers face are often complex. Newpark Drilling Fluids Technology Support Engineering Manager Mike Redburn says the choice of the process depends on which fluid is used initially, either aqueous (water based muds) or