8 Tips on How to Start a Petrol Station Business in Nigeria
Having chosen a nice location, employ an architect to draw the plan and builders to construct the fuel station. Make sure quality materials are used in the construction. Step 4. Employ a manager and sales attendants who will be managing the fuel station on your behalf. Also, employ security personnel(s) who will be guarding the fuel station. Step 5

How to Start a Gas Station Startup Biz Hub
i would like to start a Gas Station on the N6 between Smithfield and Rouxville in the free state. South Africa. the route is busy at all time as it leads to two harbors gas station will be the ideal business for the road user please assist with the information on what to look at and how to start.

How to Fill Air in a Car's Tires: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
If you are at a gas station, turn on the pump by feeding the machine the requisite amount of coins. You should hear a loud rumbling and humming noise when the pump is running. Stretch the air hose around to your closest tire (or to the tire in need of filling) and press the

How to Manage a Gas Station Bizfluent
A gas station is a service, so it is the small things that count. Observe how long it takes for employees to get to the pumps; make sure there is paper in the toilets; be aware of the number of customers in line to determine if another cash register should be opened.

An introduction to buying a gas station
Most petrol stations are open seven days a week and involve early starts usually am to pm. This business cannot run itself, so having enough staff for ample coverage at all times is essential. Stations that are more out of the way often have dwellings attached, making the business easier to run.

How to Purchase a Gas Station (with Pictures) wikiHow
Study the traffic flow. When you first get the idea to buy a gas station, you need to become familiar with the location. Drive around the neighborhood. Study the traffic patterns and get to know the busy intersections. Look for locations that are likely to have

7 Keys to Radio Advertising Success
Advertising your western gear store on a country station makes a lot of sense. Advertising a teen clothing store on the same station doesn't. Running your commercial once a week for a month isn't going to be enough. The Benefits of Radio Advertising and Tips on How to Sell It. 10 Essentials for a Great TV Commercial.

6 Tips To Attract More Customers To Your Gas Station
1. Stand out from the competition: If you business looks like every other gas station on the block, there is no reason for customers to visit your business over everyone else. 2.

How Does One Start a Petrol Station in South Africa
According to South African Petroleum Retailers Association (SAPRA), who represents all the stakeholders in the petroleum industry, before a new filling station can be opened, three sets of approvals, authorisations and licenses are needed. Land use rights for purposes of a filling station; An environmental authorisation; and; Site and retail licenses.

4 Ways To Increase Gas Station Sales Censtar
These are 4 ways to increase gas station sales! View the full detailed version on our website: http:// /4 ways to increase your gas sta

How to Open a Gas Station (with Pictures) wikiHow
To open a gas station, consider becoming part of a franchise, which will allow you to use the trademark, products, and business model of a larger company. Alternatively, you can open your own gas station if you want

Tips to Run Gasoline Station Business
Tips to run Gasoline Station Business Digital brands like Amazon are shaping convenience store trends today. Modern gas station have grown more than just a site to fuel our cars.

How to Pump Your Own Gas: 12 Steps (with Pictures) wikiHow
Pull the trigger on the pump to activate the gasoline. Squeeze the trigger on the pump nozzle gently, allowing gasoline to flow out of the hose and into your fuel tank. On most pumps, you can lock the trigger to let the gas flow continuously and make it easier on your hand.

How to Run a Successful Gas Station Business
Match the totals on the report to the cash receipts and drawer to ensure accuracy. 6. Take note of the shift totals on a ledger. Run comprehensive reports at the end of each day for the gasoline tanks, sales inventory and register receipts. Verify your totals and enter all sales totals into your ledger.

Top 5 Safety Tips at the Gas Pump The Allstate Blog
You want to make sure if at all possible, you’re going to a well lit fuel station. We don’t want to go to one of those crazy gas stations that looks like it’s out of a ‘70s horror film, and running low on fuel really does reduce the amount of choices that we’re going to have. Not only that, but running

Business Buying Tips How To Buy A Gas Station or
Additionally, you should: Drive around the neighborhood at all hours of the night and day. Talk to owners of other gas stations and convenience stores in the area. Speak with franchisees. Talk to local police to get a view of crime. Visit the Chamber of Commerce. Visit the local library. Visit the town planning board.

Any experience with buying a gas station as a business
The location of my station is the last has station out of a college town for thirty minutes. We charge elevated prices on our gas and the C store part does amazingly well. As with being the last being first is good too. If you can be the first station out of a residential location, you're going to get their traffic.

How To Buy Gas Station Businesses: Top Five Risks
Along with food, clothing and shelter, Americans consider the fuel needed to run their vehicles a necessity. The chance to be on the selling end of that commodity is what drives a number of entrepreneurs to buy gas station business opportunities.

If you are an operator of or an employee at a petrol
This means you will need a storage certificate if you have: a static tank (either an underground or fixed above ground petrol storage tank); a containment system as part of your petrol dispensing equipment; and. a pump where you dispense petrol directly into the tank of a

Marketing & Promoting Your Gas Station Franchise Gas
Online Strategies for Your Gas Station Franchise The Internet has become the new medium of marketing products and services, with TV, radio, and print, almost taking a backseat. So for those who have passed the stage on wondering how to buy a gas station business and are now managing their own gas station franchise, it’s important to look into this medium to help you market your company better.